Mallory Cave
All Videos (28)
- What I Do
- Typical Day
- Great Part
- Career Path
- The Planes I Have Flown
- Being the First African American Woman to Graduate in Aviation from Ohio University
- Why Aviation
- Why Should Girls Consider Aviation
- Challenges
- Skills to Develop
- Education
- Favorite Subjects
- Helpful Teachers
- Skills From Childhood
- Did It Anyway
- Heroes
- Goals
- Staying Motivated
- Flying an Airplane for the First Time
- Advice
- Where to Take Your First Flying Lesson
- How to Overcome Cultural Barriers
- How to Develop Resilience
- How to Develop Communication Skills
- How to Overcome Unexpected Situations
- Overcoming Obstacles
- The Importance of Civility
- The Importance of Teamwork
Watch Mallory Cave, First Officer for Alaska Airlines, share what it’s like to be a pilot on a Boeing 737 that holds up to 178 people and can fly as fast as 450 miles per hour. The most rewarding part of her job is greeting passengers at the end of the flight, seeing their smiles, and knowing they had a safe and enjoyable flight. Mallory became hooked on flying from the very first time she flew an airplane and encourages all girls to give it a try. Be sure to watch her video on taking your first flying lesson to see how easy it is to get started.
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