Positive Affirmation Cards
Positive Affirmation Cards
Topic: Boosting Self-Confidence; Encouraging Positive Self-Talk
Empowerment Video: Using Your Power
Basic Supplies:
- Blank index cards, 3-5 per student
- Glue
- Scissors
- A selection of writing utensils such as markers, pencils, and pens in various thicknesses
- A selection of newspapers and/or magazines
- Various 2-D art supplies such as colored paper, paint, markers, glitter, and stickers
Video Discussion:
Ask students for examples of positive affirmations.
Depending on student age and prior knowledge of affirmations, an example can be given and then students can be asked to work with a partner to think of additional positive affirmations. Some possible examples are listed below.
- I am strong.
- I am powerful
- I can create change
Create a list of positive affirmations on the whiteboard or document camera.
After watching the video Using Your Power, ask students to list any additional positive affirmations they can think of from the video or their own thoughts. Update the class list as necessary.
Use some or all of the following questions to discuss the video content:
- If one of the role models from the video told you to ‘use your power’, what do you think they mean?
- What do you think your power is? Why?
- Does everyone have the same power? Can people have more than one power?
- Where does your power come from?
Optional: Students can be shown a video of simple hand lettering techniques to apply when writing their affirmations. Many such videos can be found with a quick Google search.
Activity Instructions:
Students will be creating positive affirmation cards. Positive affirmation cards can help boost self-esteem and challenge negative thought patterns that cause self-doubt. These cards can be taped to a mirror, hung inside a locker, kept in a wallet, or tucked anywhere the student looks on a regular basis as a reminder of their power.
- Select your favorite positive affirmations from the class list or use your own. Write a different affirmation on each of your index cards.
- Decorate each card using words or images from the newspapers and magazines, stickers, glitter, or anything else that you love.
- Place the cards in places that you will see them often such as your desk, locker, wallet, or bathroom mirror. Each card should be a daily reminder for you to use your power!