Completed activity ready to use

To-Do List

To-Do List

Topic: Planning and Organization

Empowerment Video: Time Management

Basic Supplies:

  • Large sheet of cardstock or construction paper, one per student
  • Markers
  • Ruler, one per student
  • Dry-erase marker, one per student
  • Single hole punch
  • Ribbon or string, one 8–10-inch section per student
  • Laminating sheets or clear contact paper
  • Optional: Flat craft supplies such as stickers

Video Discussion:

Briefly describe time management by giving a general definition and describing a few ways that you use time management in your career. (Ex. “Time management is the process of planning and controlling your use of time to become more efficient.”)

Ask students to raise their hands if they have used time management before.

Explain that time management skills such as prioritizing and goal setting are important skills to possess and are useful throughout school and into future employment.

Use some or all of the following questions to discuss the video content:

  • How do time management skills help lead to success?
  • What indicators might you notice when someone is NOT good at managing their time?
  • Does time management happen automatically? Explain your answer.
  • One role model said that proper time management reduces anxiety. Have you found this to be true? Why do you think this is/is not the case?
  • What time management methods have you used before? How did they help you?

Activity Instructions:

Students will be creating a personalized to-do list that helps them break down large tasks, goals and assignments into smaller, more manageable steps. This reusable list will help them plan and organize their tasks effectively.

Part of managing time well is learning how to tackle big projects and even daily tasks step-by-step. By creating a reusable to-do list, you can practice breaking down your tasks into smaller steps and keeping track of what needs to be done every day, just like professionals do in their daily work.

  1. Gather your supplies including a sheet of cardstock or construction paper, ruler, and markers.
  2. Use your ruler to draw one line dividing the paper in half vertically. Then, draw one line dividing the paper in half horizontally. This will create a total of four sections on your paper.
  3. In each section, use your ruler to draw one large straight line at the top of the section. This line is where you will write the name of your assignment or task once your to-do list is complete.
  4. Under each large straight line, draw four smaller lines. These lines should be slightly indented from the large line. That means that each line should start one or two finger spaces further to the right than the large line. You will use these lines to break each assignment or task down into smaller steps.
  5. Use markers or flat craft supplies such as stickers to decorate your to-do list. You might create a border or add small drawings to your paper.
  6. Once your to-do list looks just the way you want, laminate it or apply clear contact paper.
  7. Use a hole punch to make one hole in the top left corner. Thread your ribbon or string through the hole and attach a dry-erase marker to your to-do list.
  8. Keep your to-do list somewhere you can see and use it daily!
    • Use the large lines to write your school assignments, goals, or tasks.
    • Use the smaller lines underneath to break each assignment, goal, or task into smaller pieces.
    • Cross off each item as you complete it.
    • When you’ve finished a task or assignment, simply erase your writing and begin again!

Here are some possible examples:

  • English Essay: Choose topic, write outline, draft essay, edit final draft
  • Science Project: Research topic, gather materials, construct project, write report
  • Clean Bedroom: Pick up toys, organize desk, make bed, vacuum floor
  • Help Make Dinner: Wash vegetables, set the table, make rice
Materials needed
Draw lines bisecting the paper horizontally and vertically
Draw lines for the titles of each task
Draw lines for each sub-task
Punch a hole in the top corner
Attach the pen to the top do list with a string
Write your tasks and keep it in a visible place
Completed activity ready to use