Confidence collage painting activity for girls finished example

Confidence Collage

Confidence Collage

Topic: Developing Confidence

Empowerment Lesson Video: Be Confident


  • Canvas/Bristol board paper, one per student
  • Letter stickers, a variety of sizes and fonts works best
  • Paint
  • Brushes

Video Discussion:

Invite students to think about what it means to have confidence or to be confident.

Have students 'turn and talk' with a classmate to share examples of how confidence has helped them succeed at something.

Bring students together to develop a definition of the word confidence—for example, “having the belief that you can succeed in doing something.”

After watching the video Be Confident, use some or all of the following questions to discuss the content and prepare students for the activity:

  • What does it mean to believe in yourself?
  • What is one way you showed self-confidence today?
  • How do you know if someone is confident? What might they say or do?
  • What are specific ways that someone can develop confidence?

Ask, “What positive words or phrases describe you or things that you are good at doing?”

Direct students to turn and talk to a partner. Then bring the class back together to share their thinking.

Using a whiteboard, overhead, or chart paper, create a list of students’ words and phrases. Note that this list can be used to help prompt student thinking during the activity.

Activity Instructions:

Students will create a personalized confidence poster filled with positive affirmations about themselves. The goal is to help students recognize their strengths and build self-confidence through self-expression and creativity. This project provides an opportunity for students to reflect on their unique qualities while developing a visual reminder of their worth and abilities.

Today, you’ll be making a confidence poster that shows all the great things about you! Using paint, stickers, and your creativity, you’ll create an art piece filled with positive words that describe who you are and what makes you special.

  1. Gather the supplies you will need to create your confidence poster including poster paper, letter stickers, paint, and a paint brush.
  2. Select a few words or phrases from the list of positive words and phrases created earlier, or brainstorm something completely new. Whatever words or phrases you pick should represent all the great things about you!
  3. Use your letter stickers to spell out the words or phrases you selected. Place these words and phrases all over the canvas in no particular order.
  4. Pick one or more colors of paint. You may want to pick colors that will match your bedroom or wherever you plan to hang your completed poster. Paint over the stickers on the canvas.
  5. Let your painting dry. Then peel off the stickers.
  6. Hang your painting in your room or near a mirror as a daily reminder of your confidence and all the amazing qualities that make you who you are!

Confidence Collage Supplies Empowerment Activity
Confidence Collage Step 2 Empowerment Activity
Confidence Collage Empowerment Activity
Confidence Collage Finished Empowerment Activity