Craft Mini Robot #2
Craft Mini Robot #2
Topic: Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning
Empowerment Lesson Video: Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning
- Soft drink can
- Pipe cleaners
- Googly eyes
- Toothpicks – for the rods
- Foam beads – for the wheels
- Pom pom balls
- Tape
- Glue
- Scissors
Video Discussion:
Tell students they will be watching the video titled Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning. Explain that the video presents role models explaining artificial intelligence and machine learning as well as talking about the role that they will play in the future.
After viewing, ask students to share some examples of the use of artificial intelligence and machine learning in real life that they learned about in the video.
Activity Instructions:
- Start by creating the rods and wheels. For the rods, glue two toothpicks together to make the rod long enough so the wheels will not hit the sides of the can when in place.
- Add the foam bead wheels, spaced along the rods according to the photos.
- Tape the completed rods to the bottom of the can according to the photos.
- Use the remaining materials to decorate your robot any way you would like. Glue on googly eyes, use the pipe cleaners to create arms, antenna, etc. Get creative!