DIY Bank
DIY Bank
Topic: Financial Literacy
Empowerment Lesson Video: Financial Literacy
Basic Supplies:
- Empty jars such as Pringles tubes or mason jars, one per student (Note that non-breakable options such as Pringles tubes are preferable for younger students.)
- Assorted decorative craft supplies such as colored construction paper, stickers, glitter, sequins, pom-poms, feathers, markers and crayons
- Glue
- Acrylic paint
Prior Preparation: Cut a coin-size rectangle in the center of the jar lids. For mason jars, this can be done with a rotary tool. Alternatively, pre-cut lids can be purchased at craft stores.
Video Discussion:
Ask, “What is financial literacy?”
Direct students to turn and talk to a partner. Then call the class together to share their ideas. Work together to come to a general class definition.
Then, have students take turns sharing things they would like to know about finances and financial literacy.
After watching the video Financial Literacy, ask your students some or all of the following questions to review the video content:
- How can learning how to handle money now help you later on when you are an adult?
- What are good ways to keep track of the money you earn and the money you spend?
- Why is it important to understand how money works in the world?
- How can money give you freedom for the things you want to do in life?
- What does it mean to be “frugal” and to budget your money? Why are these things important?
- The role models in the video talked about “building wealth.” What does this mean?
Activity Instructions:
Students will create their own DIY banks. This activity encourages students to set financial goals, understand the value of saving, and develop smart money habits in a fun and creative way. Their personalized bank will serve as a daily reminder to make thoughtful choices about spending and saving.
Today, you’ll be making your very own bank! You’ll use a container, decorations, and your creativity to design a place to store your savings. Whether you’re saving for something special or just getting started, your bank will help you build good money habits.
- Gather an empty jar and any craft supplies that look appealing.
- Use glue and your craft supplies to decorate your DIY bank any way that you want.
- When you’ve completed your bank, answer the following questions on a blank sheet of paper:
- What goal will you use your bank to save for?
- How will you know when you’ve saved enough money?
- Why is it important to actively save for your goals?
- Place your DIY bank somewhere special, like your desk or shelf, as a daily reminder to save wisely and work toward your financial goals!