DIY mini robot activity for girls

Craft Mini Robot #1

Craft Mini Robot #1

Topic: Artificial Intelligence Careers

Empowerment Lesson Video: Why Consider AI Careers


  • Toilet paper tube, one per student
  • Aluminum foil
  • Construction paper
  • Glue
  • Markers
  • Scissors
  • Additional craft supplies such as pony beads, pipe cleaners, googly eyes, yarn, sequins, and stickers
  • Blank paper, one sheet per student

Video Discussion:

Ask, “What is AI?”

Direct students to turn and talk to a partner. Then, ask students to share their ideas with the class.

Work together to come up with a shared definition for artificial intelligence. Note: Merriam-Webster provides two definitions. Anything similar to either of these is fine!

  • A branch of computer science dealing with the simulation of intelligent behavior in computers
  • The capability of a machine to imitate intelligent human behavior

Tell students they will be watching the video titled Why Consider AI Careers. Explain that the video presents role models talking about the role of AI in our current lives and the importance of having women pursue careers in the AI and robotics field.

After viewing the video, use some or all of the following questions to discuss the video content:

  • How do you use AI in your daily life? Did you know that you were using AI?
  • Why is it an exciting time to be in the AI and robotics field right now?
  • How does AI solve problems? What are some examples of the types of problems that AI could solve?
  • How do you think AI and robotics will shape the future of society? List some examples of things that AI and/or robots might do in the future.

Activity Instructions:

Students will continue thinking about artificial intelligence by creating their own robot-inspired craft.

Have you ever wondered how robots can help us in our daily lives? Today, you’ll get to design your very own robot and think about how it could solve real-world problems!

  1. Gather the supplies you will need for this activity including a toilet paper tube, aluminum foil, glue, and any other craft supplies that appeal to you.
  2. Use glue to apply aluminum foil to the outside of your toilet paper tube. Cover the entire thing!
  3. Brainstorm what you want your robot to look like. Consider some of the following ideas or come up with your own design!
    • Yarn, string, or ribbon can be used to create hair.
    • Pipe cleaners or rolls of construction paper can be used to create legs, arms, or antenna.
    • Glitter, sequins, and stickers can be used to give your robot a high-tech look or to add designs.
  4. Use the craft supplies to decorate your robot until it looks just right.
  5. Once your robot is complete, take a moment to think about how it could make a difference in the real world. On a blank sheet of paper, answer as many of the following questions as time allows:
    • What tasks would your robot be designed to do?
    • How could your robot help solve a problem or make life easier for people? Be creative—would your robot clean up trash, deliver food, or help with homework?
    • What challenges might your robot face while doing its job? How could it overcome these challenges?
DIY mini robot activity for girls

*Adapted from