Morse Code Bracelet
Morse Code Bracelet
Topic/Theme: Importance of Math
Video: Importance of Math
- String or cord
- Round beads, in various colors
- Long beads, in various colors
- Scissors
Video Discussion:
Ask students to share their feelings about math.
Help students who report they “hate” math or “are not good at math” to talk about their negative math experiences.
Guide students to reframe their negative feelings about math so they are able to tell themselves better stories about the acquisition of math skills and concepts. For example, if students report that they tell themselves, “Math is hard,” help them reframe that feeling into something like, “Math can be challenging, but I can do it!”
Tell students they will be watching the video Importance of Math. Explain that the video shows role models talking about the importance of developing positive attitudes when learning math.
After viewing the video together, invite students to share any new information they learned about math education (e.g., “I liked the idea that I can think about math as a language. Thinking about math that way makes it easier for me to not be so afraid of it.”).
Use some or all of the following questions to review the video content and prepare the students for the activity:
- What careers use a lot of math? What careers don’t use any math?
- When do adults need to use math in their lives outside of work?
- Why do you think math is important? Explain your answer.
- What math goals could you set for yourself in order to succeed?
Activity Instructions:
This bracelet-making activity helps students see the importance of math in patterns, sequences, and problem-solving. By using Morse code to create a secret message, students will apply mathematical thinking in a fun and creative way while reinforcing the real-world connections of math.
Get ready to design your own secret message bracelet using Morse code. As you choose and string your beads, you’ll discover how math can help us create patterns and even send hidden messages!
- Gather the supplies you will need to make your bracelet including a selection of round and long beads and string.
- Cut a piece of cord long enough to wrap around your wrist plus 3-4 extra inches.
- Tie a knot about 2 inches from the end of your string.
- Decide what word or phrase you would like to have on your bracelet. Then, look at the Morse code chart to determine which beads you will need.
- Begin stringing your beads, following the patterns on the Morse code chart.
- When you are finished stringing your beads, tie another knot in the cord to secure the beads.
- Finish your bracelet by asking a friend to tie the two ends together to form a circle around your wrist. Trim off any extra string.