Performing Arts careers Empowerment Activity game

Party Quirks

Party Quirks

Topic: Performing Arts Careers

Empowerment Lesson Video: Performing Arts Careers

Video Discussion:

Ask students what they know about the phrase “performing arts.”

After explaining what is meant by performing arts (e.g., an artistic performance for an audience involving singing, dancing, acting, playing a musical instrument, storytelling, puppetry, etc.), help them understand that a performance is another way that we can communicate our feelings and our stories with each other.

Have students name people they know personally or who they have heard of who have careers as performing artists.

Tell students they will be watching the video Performing Arts Careers. Explain that the video presents role models who work as or with performing artists talking about why students should consider a career in the performing arts.

Use some or all of the following questions to review the video content and prepare students for the activity:

  • What performing arts careers had you heard of before? Which were new?
  • Which performing arts career sounded the most interesting to you? Why?
  • The first dancer in the video said that performing is a chance to communicate. What do you think she meant by that? What feelings or messages can we communicate through dance?
  • The second dancer in the video said that dancing in front of an audience is very rewarding. How can the audience show the dancer they are thankful and appreciative for the performance?
  • How is being a musician in a band or an actor in a play like being on a team? What would be the best parts about working with other performing artists this way?

Activity Instructions:

This fun and interactive activity introduces students to the world of performing arts careers by encouraging creativity, improvisation, and quick thinking. As they take on different characters and act out quirky behaviors, students will practice essential skills like collaboration, expression, and problem-solving.

Get ready to put your acting skills to the test! In this game, you’ll take on a silly character with a unique quirk and help the “host” figure out who you are. It’s your chance to be creative, have fun, and see what it’s like to step into the world of performing arts!

Instructor Notes: Divide students into groups of four. Choose one student from each group to be the “host” of the party. The other three group members will be “guests.” Have each group’s “host” leave the room briefly so the game setup can be explained to the “guests.”

Game Setup:

  1. Each “guest” gets a funny quirk, like “she has mice in her pockets” or “she’s an astronaut just back from the moon.”
  2. The “host” returns to the room while the three “guests” line up behind an imaginary door.
  3. The “host” welcomes each “guest” one at a time into the party area.
  4. The “guest” acts out their quirk while the “host” tries to guess what it is. They should both be acting out a party scene!
  5. Once the “host” guesses correctly, the next “guest” enters. Keep going until all quirks are guessed!

*Adapted from