A college degree in animation focuses on creating characters and worlds using moving images. These can be hand-drawn or created on a computer.
For this major you’ll take lots of animation classes. But you’ll also need to take other classes in the arts, science, math, and social sciences to earn your bachelor’s degree. These extra courses help make sure that you graduate from college with all of the skills you’ll need to prepare for a successful career as an animator.
Sample Classes
Core Animation Courses:
- Animation Design
- Writing for Animation
- Animation Workshop
- Visual Thinking and Organization for Animation
- Interactive Animation
- Computer Animation for Film and Video
- Advanced Computer Animation Maya
- Classical Film Theory
- Culture, Media, and Society
- Narrative Sudies
- Film Criticism
- Visual Perception
- Cinematography
- History of Animation
- Animation Timing
- Legal Issues in Animation
- Film and Television Sound Recording
- Teal Time Animation – Puppetry Arts
- Advanced Animation
General Curriculum Requirements
- Arts Courses: Art, History, Languages, Literature, Music
- Math Courses: Algebra, Calculus, Computer Science, Logic, Statistics
- Natural Sciences Courses: Astronomy, Biology, Chemistry, Environmental Science, Physics
- Social Sciences Courses: Anthropology, Economics, Government, Psychology, Sociology