School Counseling
School Counseling
A college degree in school counseling focuses on advising and helping students.
For this major you’ll take lots of school counseling and education classes. But you’ll also need to take classes in the arts, science, math, and social sciences to earn your bachelor’s degree. These extra courses help make sure that you graduate from college with all of the skills you’ll need to prepare for a successful career as a school counselor.
Sample Courses
School Counseling Courses:
- Group Procedures in Guidance & Counseling
- Introduction to Counseling & Development
- Counseling: Theory & Method
- Foundations & Practices of School Counseling
- Career Counseling
- Individual Counseling Procedures
- Foundations of Career Development & Counseling Information
- Family Counseling: Theory & Practice
- Counseling Practicum
- Inclusive Special Education Foundations
- Organization & Administration of Guidance Programs
- Counseling Children or Counseling Adolescents
- Multicultural Issues in Counseling
- Counseling Adolescents
- Child Counseling
- Counseling Research
- School Counseling Internship & Seminar
- Use of Tests in Counseling (Assessment)
- School Counseling Internship & Seminar
- Individual Studies (Master’s Paper/Project)
- Working with English Language Learners
General Curriculum Requirements:
- Arts Courses: Art, History, Languages, Literature, Music
- Math Courses: Algebra, Calculus, Computer Science, Logic, Statistics
- Natural Sciences Courses: Astronomy, Biology, Chemistry, Environmental Science, Physics
- Social Sciences Courses: Anthropology, Economics, Government, Psychology, Sociology
Education Courses:
- Educational Technology in Elementary and Middle Education
- Curriculum and the Learner in Elementary School
- Multicultural Education
- Literature for Children in the Elementary School
- Social Studies in the Elementary Classroom
- Science in the Elementary Classroom
- Mathematics for the Elementary Classroom
- Literacy Instruction in the Primary Grades
- Literacy Practicum in the Primary Grades
- Literacy Instruction in the Intermediate Grades
- Instructional Approaches for ESOL Learners
- Student Teaching
- Education and Society
- Instructional Strategies in Physical Education
- Development and Learning of the Young Child
- Managing and Motivating Learners
- Teaching Exceptional Children and Youth
- Instructional Strategies in Music
- Children in Drama
- Instructional Strategies in Art
- Advanced Practices for Children with Disabilities