Dream Catcher
Dream Catcher
Topic: Stress & Anxiety
Empowerment Lesson Video: Stress & Anxiety
- 6” embroidery hoops, one per student
- Yarn in various textures and colors
- Decorative items such as craft flowers, beads, and feathers
- Scissors
- Glue
Video Discussion:
Ensure students know the meaning of the words “stress” and “anxiety”. If necessary, define these two words so that all students have a basic definition to work with.
Ask students to turn and talk to a partner about situations in their lives or from TV, the movies, or books that were stressful or caused anxiety. Partners should work to come up with as many examples as possible in the allotted time.
Bring the class together to create a list of stressful or anxiety-producing situations. For example, a student may share that she feels stressed the night before big projects are due.
Ask, “What makes all these situations stressful or anxiety producing?”
Tell students they will be watching the video titled Stress and Anxiety. Explain that the video presents role models talking about smart ways to handle stressful or anxiety-producing situations.
After viewing the video, ask students to share some of the methods they learned to manage stress and anxiety.
Activity Instructions:
Students will create their own dream catchers to reflect on stress and anxiety management. This activity encourages students to think about calming strategies while engaging in a creative and hands-on project. Their dream catcher will serve as a visual reminder of ways to relax and manage overwhelming feelings.
Today, you’ll be making a dream catcher to help you focus on staying calm and managing stress. Using string and decorations, you’ll design a unique piece that represents peaceful thoughts and positive energy.
- Gather the supplies you will need including an embroidery hoop, yarn, and decorations.
- Wrap yarn around the embroidery hoop to completely cover the wooden or metal frame. Then, use glue to secure the end of your yarn.
- Tie a piece of yarn at the top of your hoop and begin to create the catcher by wrapping the yarn in different directions around the outside of the loop. When your piece of yarn is finished, either tie another knot to secure it to the frame or use glue. Repeat with as many pieces of yarn as you like to create your web design.
- Cut out pieces of yarn to create your tassels. These pieces can be whatever length you like but keep in mind that the yarn will be folded over when it is attached.
- Loop your pieces of yarn over the embroidery hoop at the bottom. Then, tie them in a knot to secure the pieces.
- Decorate your dreamcatcher by gluing on craft flowers, adding feathers, or stringing beads onto your yarn.
- Hang your dream catcher in your room or by your bed as a reminder to stay calm, focus on positive thoughts, and manage stress with creativity and relaxation!
*Adapted from www.hellowonderful.co.