Friendship Bracelet #2
Friendship Bracelet #2
Topic: Choosing Friends
Empowerment Lesson Video: Choosing Friends
- Circle cut from cardboard - use a can or glass to trace the circle
- Scissors
- Pencil or marker
- Seven strands of yarn in various colors
Video Discussion:
Tell students they will be watching the video Choosing Friends. Explain that the video features role models talking about things they think about when choosing friends. Invite students to share what qualities they think are important for a friend to have.
Activity Instructions:
- Draw four lines across your cardboard circle to create eight equal segments.
- Poke a hole in the center of the circle using the scissors.
- Cut a small slit – approximately one half inch – in each line starting on the outside and cutting towards the center.
- Hold the seven pieces of yarn and tie them together with a knot at one end.
- Take the un-knotted end of the yard pieces and push them through the center hole. Use the scissors to help. Pull them all the way through until the knotted end touches the cardboard on the other side.
- Pull each piece of yarn through 1 of the cut-out slits, in any order you like.
- There will be one empty slit facing you. Count the third yarn to the left, pull it out and tuck it through this slit.
- Repeat this pattern – every third yarn – all the way around to weave your bracelet.
- Once your bracelet is the length you want remove all the yarn from the cardboard and cut the ends off, leaving a generous tail. Carefully untie the knot you made in the yarn strands at the beginning. Then bring the 2 ends together and knot the bracelet together. Trim off the excess ends.