Movie projector diy project for filmmaking career activity

Movie Projector

Movie Projector

Topic: Technology

Empowerment Lesson Video: Technology Careers


  • Shoe box, one per student
  • Magnifying glass, one per student
  • Smartphone, one per student
  • Pencil
  • Scissors/Utility knife
  • Masking tape

Video Discussion:

Ask, “What do you think of when you hear the word technology?”

Direct students to turn and talk to a partner. Then call on a few groups to share their thinking.

Ask, “What careers can you think of that use technology?”

Create a list on the whiteboard or overhead of any careers that students mention.

Ensure students understand that almost all careers require technology in one way or another, but that some careers are specifically technology-based.

Tell the students they will be watching the video Technology Careers. Explain that the video presents role models talking about why girls should consider a career in technology.

Use some or all of the following questions to review the video content and prepare students for the activity:

  • Why might some young women not consider a career in technology? According to the information presented in the video, are those concerns true?
  • Many of the technology experts in the video mentioned that careers in technology involve professional positions that pay well. Should earnings be a consideration in what career you prepare for? Why or why not?
  • Do you have to be a genius to prepare for a career in technology? How do you know?
  • Is it possible for a career in technology to include interests you may have in other areas? Explain your answer.
  • What are some ways the career women in the video may have prepared for their careers in technology?
  • Besides exploring the Career Girls website, what are some other ways you can learn more about career possibilities in technology?

Activity Instructions:

This hands-on activity introduces students to the creativity and problem-solving skills used in technology careers. By building a simple movie projector, students will explore how lenses, light, and positioning work together, the same principles behind many of the devices we use every day.

Get ready to turn an ordinary shoebox into a homemade movie projector! As you build and adjust your projector, you’ll learn how technology and creativity combine to make amazing things — just like the inventors and engineers who design the devices we use every day!

  1. Gather the supplies you will need to create your movie projector including a shoe box, magnifying glass, smartphone, pencil, scissors, and tape.
  2. Hold the magnifying glass against one of the short sides of the shoebox. Position it in the center of the side, near the bottom edge.
  3. Use your pencil to trace a circle around the magnifying glass.
  4. Carefully cut out the circle you traced. Keep the edges as smooth as possible!
  5. Create your projector’s lens by taping the magnifying glass to the outside of your box. Position it to cover the hole created by your cut out circle. Tape only around the outer edge of the magnifying glass, leaving the center free of tape.
  6. Lock the screen on your phone to landscape orientation.
    • Apple iPhone: Open the Control Center by swiping down from the top right corner of your screen, then tap the "Portrait Orientation Lock" icon. The portrait orientation lock looks like a lock with an arrow.
    • Android: Open the Quick settings panel by swiping down from the top right of the screen. Touch and hold the Auto rotate icon to turn it off. The auto rotate icon looks like a curved arrow rotating around a phone.
  7. Place the phone inside the box with the screen facing the magnifying class. Prop the phone up at a slight angle.
  8. Move the phone back and forth to adjust the picture. Aim the box at a blank wall, shut off the lights and enjoy your video! Hint: If you can’t see your video very well, try adjusting your phone screen’s brightness.
Movie projector diy project for filmmaking career activity