Exit final end ping pong ball going through cardboard tube at top of obstacle course activity

Obstacle Course

Obstacle Course

Topic: Overcoming Obstacles

Empowerment Lesson Video: Overcoming Obstacles


  • Blank paper
  • Writing utensils
  • Ping pong ball, one per student
  • Scissors
  • Masking tape
  • A variety of construction materials such as:
    • Toilet paper/paper towel rolls
    • Plastic cups
    • Shoe boxes or other small empty boxes
    • Pipe cleaners
    • Construction paper
  • A variety of decorative material such as colored string, beads, stickers, and glitter

Video Discussion:

Ask students to explain what is meant by the phrase “overcoming obstacles.”

After clarifying the meaning of the phrase, have students volunteer to discuss some of the obstacles they, or people they know, have overcome in their lives.

Tell the students they will be watching the video Overcoming Obstacles. Explain that the video presents role models sharing ways that they have learned to overcome the obstacles that they have encountered.

Use some or all of the following questions to review the video content and prepare the students for the activity:

  • What are some common obstacles?
  • What methods have the role models used to overcome obstacles? Have you ever used any of these methods?
  • Why is it important to ask for help when overcoming obstacles?
  • How can you find the best person or people to help you overcome an obstacle?
  • One role model in the video said not to allow an obstacle to change you. What do you think she meant by this? How can you face and overcome an obstacle without letting it change who you are as a person? Explain your answer.
  • If you are fearful when facing an obstacle, does that mean that you are a failure?
  • How can fear help you overcome obstacles? Tell about a time you were fearful but still continued to reach for a goal. What happened to the fear when you reached your goal?

Activity Instructions:

This obstacle course activity helps students understand the importance of problem-solving, creativity, and perseverance. As they design, build, and adjust their courses, they’ll experience trial and error, much like overcoming obstacles in real life.

Get ready to design and build an awesome ping pong ball obstacle course! You’ll test your ideas and fix any tricky spots along the way. By making adjustments, you’ll create a course that works from start to finish!

  1. Look at the available supplies for building your obstacle course. Using blank paper and a writing utensil, sketch out a plan for your obstacle course. The goal is for your ping pong ball to go through the entire course from start to finish. Hint: If you’re not sure where to start, check out the photos for this activity!
  2. Gather the supplies you will need based on your design. For example, you might take two paper towel rolls, a ping pong ball, a shoe box, and construction paper.
  3. Use your materials to create the obstacle course you designed in Step 1.
  4. Practice running your ping pong ball through your completed obstacle course. If it stops or falls off the track in a certain spot, make adjustments to your course. Once you can navigate your ping pong ball successfully from start to finish in your course, it’s complete!
  5. Switch obstacle courses with other students in your class. Practice completing their courses!
  6. If you have extra time, answer the following questions on a blank sheet of paper. Be prepared to share your ideas with the group.
    • What challenges did you face while building your obstacle course, and how did you solve them?
    • How did making adjustments to your design help you improve your course?
      In what ways does building an obstacle course remind you of overcoming real-life challenges?
Colorful assortment of cardboard tubes, tissue box, pipe cleaners, decorative yarn, glue and scissors to make an obstacle course group activity project
Cutting the cardboard tissue box to create an opening for the obstacle course track
Cutting the cardboard tube with scissors to create a track for the ping pong ball obstacle course
Add a touch of glue to section of the track
Ping pong ball going through cardboard tube at top of obstacle course activity
Midway ping pong ball going through cardboard tube at top of obstacle course activity
Nearing the end ping pong ball going through cardboard tube at top of obstacle course activity
Exit final end ping pong ball going through cardboard tube at top of obstacle course activity
Finished view of colorful creative obstacle course group activity for girls
Obstacle course activity finished example of cardboard tube with white ping pong ball