Pollution To Solution
Pollution To Solution
Topic: Highlighting Pollution Solutions with Comic Strips
Empowerment Video: Environmental Science Careers
Basic Supplies:
- Large sheet of paper or pre-printed comic strip template with 6 panels, one per student (Note: To adjust the difficulty of this activity, modify the number of comic strip panels)
- Pencils and erasers
- Markers, crayons, or colored pencils
- Optional: Rulers
- Optional: Other decoration options such as glitter, stickers, or sequins
Video Discussion:
Say, “Think about a place you’ve seen that is polluted, like a park with trash, a smoky sky, or water with plastic in it.”
Give students a moment to think independently.
Ask, “What actions could people take to fix this? Think of as many solutions as you can!”
Ask students to turn and talk to a partner.
Call on students to share their ideas for helping the environment. Write their suggestions on the board, and suggest concrete examples as needed such as recycling, planting trees, or using less plastic. Note: Students can consult this list during the comic strip activity for ideas, as needed.
Tell students they will be watching a video that shows role models working in careers that help the environment.
After watching the video Environmental Science Careers, use the following questions to discuss the video content:
- What career did you find most interesting? Why?
- How are all of these careers similar? Different?
- What problems did the role models work to understand and solve?
- Do you think environmental science careers are important? Why or why not?
Activity Instructions:
Students will be creating a comic strip to illustrate the transformation of a polluted environment into a clean and thriving one.
Scientists and engineers, like those who study oceans, air, and water, work every day to solve environmental problems and protect our planet. In this activity, you’ll get to imagine solutions just like they do and use your creativity to tell an inspiring story about helping the environment.
- Get the materials you will need to create your comic strip such as paper, pencils, and crayons or markers.
- Brainstorm your comic strip.
- Panel 1: Imagine a polluted environment. What might it look like? How would someone know that it was polluted?
- Panels 2−5: Think about how people could help the polluted environment you drew in Panel 1. For example, could they use less plastic or ask the city to install a public garbage can? Try to think of at least 4 ways to help the environment, so you can show a new way in each panel!
- Panel 6: What would the cleaned up, healthy environment look like? How would someone know it was clean?
- Using a pencil, sketch out the comic strip that you brainstormed. Make sure to add plenty of details such as animals and people.
- Add dialogue or sound effects. For example, a person picking up trash might say, “Let’s recycle!” or a bike riding past might have a “Swoosh!” sound bubble.
- Use markers or crayons to add color to your comic strip.
- When everyone has completed their comic strip, take a turn to show your work and share your ideas for helping the environment.
- Display your comic strip on a bulletin board or hallway wall to showcase your class’s “Pollution to Solution” stories.