Conflict Resolution activity sock puppet

Sock Puppets

Sock Puppets

Topic: Creating Sock Puppets for Conflict Resolution Role-Play

Empowerment Video: Conflict Resolution

Basic Supplies:

  • Socks, long enough to cover students’ arms, one per student
  • Fabric glue or tacky glue
  • Markers
  • Pom-poms, yarn, googly eyes, and other decorations

Video Discussion:

Say, “Think of a conflict you’ve recently seen or been involved in.”

Give students a moment to think independently.

Ask, “How could the conflict have been solved? Think of as many ways as possible!”

Ask students to share their conflict resolution ideas. Provide appropriate vocabulary (compromise, collaborate, etc.) as needed.

Tell students they will be watching the video titled, “Conflict Resolution”.

Explain that the video shows role models describing the importance of healthy conflict resolution.

After watching the video "Conflict Resolution", use the following questions to discuss the video content:

  • Why is it important to know about and use healthy conflict resolution methods and actions?
  • What can happen if unhealthy conflict resolution methods or actions are used?
  • What are some tips the role models shared to help resolve conflicts in a positive way?

Explain that conflict resolution is a skill. By practicing healthy methods of conflict resolution, you can become more skilled at navigating conflicts and resolving them in healthy, productive ways.

Activity Instructions:

Students will be creating a sock puppet to use in one or more conflict resolution role plays.

Practicing conflict resolution techniques is a great way to try out different methods and approaches to solving problems. This practice can help students resolve conflicts in their lives more effectively and provide greater understanding of the many healthy methods to solve problems.

  1. Place the sock over the hand you would like to wear your sock puppet on. The “toe” portion of the sock should go over your fingers.
  2. Make a “C” shape with your hand. Your thumb should fit into the heel portion of the sock. Tuck extra fabric into the palm of your hand as needed.
  3. Open and close your hand a few times to get a feel for your sock puppet. Then, use a marker to draw two dots where the eyes should be and another dot for the nose.
  4. Take the sock off your hand and lay it flat on your desk.
  5. Using the marker dots as guides, glue eyes and a nose onto your sock. You can use pom-poms, googly eyes, pieces of felt, buttons, or any other available craft item to represent the puppet’s eyes and nose.
  6. Add any other decorations you want. Consider adding eyelashes, hair, or a tongue.
  7. Now, grab a partner and try out your sock puppet using some of the ideas below. For each role play, work with your partner to resolve the conflict in one or more healthy ways.
    • Imagine you are sitting at a table with a small group in art class. One of the students isn’t sharing the art supplies equally.
    • Think of a special seat in your home or classroom. This could be the best seat in your living room, a comfy seat to use during reading time, or anything else you can think of. Imagine you and your partner both want to sit in the special seat.
    • Imagine you are waiting in line in the cafeteria for lunch. You notice there aren’t very many milk boxes left. Right before it’s your turn to take a milk box, another student cuts in front of you and grabs the last one.
    • Think of a recent conflict you or your partner was involved in. No matter how the conflict ended in real life, practice some healthy conflict resolution options.
Conflict Resolution activity materials
Conflict Resolution activity step 2
Conflict Resolution activity step 3 make eyes
Conflict Resolution activity step 4 decorate sock
Conflict Resolution activity step 5 use your sock puppet