Get Started
Wondering where to begin? Take a look at our suggestions below to help you start closing the imagination gap today!

Empowerment Videos
Career Girls has developed a special series of videos and educational resources called Empowerment Videos. They are designed to support teachers in integrating lessons that encourage college and career readiness.
Each lesson centers around a short video clip that features real-world role models who share straight-to-the-point career insights and advice, making the lessons an ideal jumping-off point for meaningful and lasting learning experiences. These videos are paired with ready-to-use educational resources that build on essential concepts.
Empowerment Videos are easy to use with the whole class, small groups, and individual students. To get started, just follow a few simple steps:
- Choose an Empowerment Videos: Each Career Girls Empowerment Video is about two minutes and focuses on a different topic. Review the video descriptions (or preview the videos). You can use the Empowerment Videos in any order that best meets your students' needs.
- Download the Corresponding Resources: Each Empowerment Video has a corresponding Classroom Lesson Plan (see example), Independent Learning Guide (see example), and Fun Page Activity (see example).
- View the Video with Students: Use the Classroom Lesson Plan to introduce the video and guide a "before, during, and after" learning experience with students. Or, use the Independent Learning Guide for students who are working independently. (Note that this guide also works well to jumpstart lively discussions about the lesson topic with small groups or the whole class.) Have students complete the Fun Page Activity to connect what they're learning to their own lives.
Career Exploration Tools
In addition, Career Girls offers built-in career exploration tools to engage students in imagining the possibilities and taking important steps to plan for their futures:
- The free Career Quiz is a fun place to start. This quick and easy quiz helps students discover career options that might be new to them.
- Your students can also explore by Career Clusters, such as STEM, Health Sciences, and Finance.
- Or, they can jump right into an A to Z tour of Careers and the Role Models who work in them — from an Accountant to a Zoologist.
- College Majors are a great place to explore which courses might be required for degrees like Forensic Science, Film and Media, or Electrical Engineering.
Further Resources
All of our resources can be found on the searchable Guides and Resource page of our website. Here is a sampling to get you started:
- Teachers Toolkit: This comprehensive Teachers Toolkit offers printable activities and additional tips and resources to support more in-depth learning.
- Printable Activities: Print and use activities such as our Career Action Plan, Career Girls Journal, Career Comics, and our Is This a Career for Me Venn diagram.
- Ready-to-Use Scripts: Need something fast and foolproof? Get a discussion started quickly with topics like Friends and Integrity and Leadership and Teamwork.
- Motivational Mini-Posters: See them all on our Motivational Mini-Poster page.