Shacara Johnson
All Videos (25)
- What I Do
- What is an Epidemiologist
- Great Part
- Why Public Health
- Why an Epidemiologist
- Why Girls Should Consider a Career in Epidemiology
- Challenges
- Education
- Favorite Subjects
- Goals
- Helpful Teachers
- Heroes
- Math I Use at Work
- Why Girls Should Study Math
- How to Conquer Math
- Importance of Teamwork
- I Love Solving Derivatives
- Mentors
- Mentoring
- Family Support
- Staying Motivated
- Overcoming Obstacles
- Did it Anyway
- Diversity
- Advice
Watch Shacara Johnson, epidemiologist for the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) in Atlanta share how if a girl wants to be a "disease detective" and investigate the who, what, when and how of an illness, then a career in epidemiology is for them. She gets to work with team members from around the world to develop mathematical models that analyze the spread of disease. For her, the most rewarding part of her job is helping the CDC fulfill its mission of addressing health, safety and security threats both in the US and around the world.
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