Zara Mohidin
Social Entrepreneur
All Videos (25)
- What I do
- What is FigTech
- Great Part
- Typical Day
- My Career Path
- FigTech's Software
- FigTech at MIT Inclusive Innovation Challenge
- Why Should Girls Consider a Career in Microfinance
- Challenges
- Skills to Develop
- Education
- Favorites
- Helpful Teachers
- Skills from Childhood
- Did it Anyway
- Goals
- Heroes
- Staying Motivated
- Family Support
- Advice
- Tips to Develop Resiliency
- Financial Literacy Tips for Girls
- Shout out to MIT and Career Girls
Watch Zara Mohidin, Social Entrepreneur shares how her passion for helping people led her to co-found Figtech, a social impact startup that develops technology for microloan programs to help transition people out of poverty. What she finds most rewarding about her work is being at the cutting edge of technology and helping people resolve their financial problems. Zara believes that girls can make a difference in Microfinance because they are inherently giving, caring and have empathy, which are strengths to understand where people come from and how to help them. Her advice for girls is: You don't need to have it figured out or have a plan, you just need to know what you love and continue to explore that.
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