Vanessa Wyche
All Videos (26)
- What I Do
- Typical Day
- Great Part
- We All Work as a Team
- Challenges
- Off Nominal
- The Downside of Weightlessness
- Education
- Value of Extracurricular Activities
- Take Advantage of Studying Abroad
- College Expands Your Horizons
- Goals
- Helpful Teachers
- Heroes
- Skills From Childhood
- Family Support
- Staying Motivated
- My "Aha" Moment in Science
- Why an Engineer
- The Value of Exploring Space
- If You Are Interested in Space
- Overcoming Obstacles
- Did it Anyway
- Explore Your Options
- Advice
- More Advice
Watch Vanessa Wyche, Deputy Manager, New Programs, Space Exploration at NASA Johnson Space Center, share her exciting work imagining and designing vehicles for deep space exploration. She studied ceramic and materials engineering as an undergraduate and earned her master’s degree in bioengineering, before working with medical devices for the human body at the U.S. Food and Drug Administration. At NASA, she has been a part of several space shuttle launches and enjoys working with the astronauts and other team members to create a successful mission.
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