Julia Greenstein
Diabetes Researcher
All Videos (23)
- What I Do
- Juvenile Diabetes Research Fund
- Great Part
- Exciting Research in Finding Diabetes Cure
- The Elevator Pitch
- Raising Money For Biotech Startups
- Challenges
- Preventing Diabetes
- Type 1 vs Type 2 Diabetes
- Regenerative Medicine and Stem Cell Biology
- Moving to the Business of Science
- Starting a Biotech Company
- Education
- What Fields to Study if You Want to Impact Diabetes
- Favorite Subjects
- Goals
- Helpful Teachers
- Heroes
- Family Support
- Staying Motivated
- Overcoming Obstacles
- Did it Anyway
- Advice
Watch Julia Greenstein, Ph.D., senior research team member, Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation, share how her love of biology has taken her career as a scientist from research, to teaching at Harvard Medical School, to working as a senior executive at a biotech firm, to her current position at a non-profit organization dedicated to ending Juvenile Diabetes. One skill she developed while raising money at her biotech start-up, was to learn the "elevator pitch" - the art of how to explain your most important sales points, clearly and very quickly.
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