Lizzie Johnson
Newspaper Journalist
All Videos (23)
- What I Do
- Typical Day
- Why Did I want to Cover City Hall
- Great Part
- Why a Career in Journalism
- Favorite Story
- Why Should Girls Be Journalists
- Challenges
- Skills to Develop
- Education
- Favorite Subjects
- Favorite Book "A Tree Grows in Brooklyn"
- Helpful Teachers
- Skills From Childhood
- Did It Anyways
- Heroes
- Goals
- Staying Motivated
- Family Support
- Advice
- Overcoming Obstacles
- Shyness Can Be an Asset
- Girl Power
Watch Lizzie Johnson, a newspaper journalist for the San Francisco Chronicle, share how she was able to combine her double majors of political science and online journalism into a career she loves as a reporter covering City Hall. She thinks all girls should consider becoming a journalist because each day is different from the day before, making it an exciting and fascinating career. She also credits her shyness, which might seem like a drawback in covering politics, as an asset. Her advice is “you don’t have to be flashy and outgoing, you can be quiet and shy and it will still work”.
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