Production Coordinator
All Videos (24)
- What I Do
- A Typical Day
- Great Part
- Why Girls Should Consider a Career in Film
- The Coolest Projects I've Worked On
- My Consulting Role on a Disney Movie
- Why Film Industry
- From Journalism to Filmmaking
- Challenges
- Education
- The Scriptathon
- Favorites
- Goals
- Helpful Teachers
- Heroes
- Skills From Childhood
- What Makes a Good Screenplay
- Family Support
- Staying Motivated
- Overcoming Obstacles
- Did It Anyway
- Advice to Women Filmmakers
- Use Your Power
- Being an Empowered Girl
Watch Sahar Jahani, Production Coordinator at YouTube Space LA, share how she enjoys helping creators understand digital media and how it is shaping our world today. She has gotten to work on several cool projects in her career, but working on the film, “The Duff”, by CBS Films stands out because of how the female lead character learns to empower herself. For girls who want to get started in filmmaking, her advice is to get any kind of a camera and just starting practicing filming. The next step is to read good stories so that you can learn what it means to be a good storyteller. And finally, educate yourself on the camera, lighting, equipment. You can do this by taking a class or joining a club, and by watching some great video tutorials available on YouTube.