Build Your Personal Brand

Build Your Personal Brand Empowerment Video - No matter what goals you have for yourself in the future, having a positive, authentic personal brand can help! From the impression that a new friend might have to the way a prospective employer remembers you, your personal brand can be a huge factor in your success. Watch the video to get tons of great advice and strategies you can apply to start focusing and developing your personal brand today.

Build Your Personal Brand (1:54)

“All of us are brands. Branding is really that thing that makes you memorable. It’s the thing that when you walk away from a room, that people will remember about you. And it’s so important. So that could be your resume. That could be your business card. That could be your website. It could be your online profiles, if you’ve set up some things to look for a job or help find a job. All of that is personal branding.”

Role models in order of appearance: Yvette Huygen, Amie Vaccaro, Kia Dolby, Judy Marlinski, and Joanne Madhère.

Quick Start

1) Your personal brand is a combination of the things you do, what you say, and how you behave. It is how others view you. What is your personal brand, what do you want to be known for? How could you add these traits to your personal brand? What specifically might you say or do?

2) Listeners learned that personal brand may change depending on the audience. What personal brand do you have with your friends? Your teachers? Your family? Why do you think your personal brand can shift depending on the audience?

3) Your social media and online presence can impact your personal brand. What are some positive ways that social media or online presence might impact someone’s personal brand? Can you think of any negative ways? Why is it so important to maintain a professional and appropriate online presence?

4) One role model said, “You have to start thinking about where you want to be in a few years, you have to start really being mindful and conscious of your goals.” What role does your personal brand play in reaching your goals? Why is it important to be “mindful and conscious” of your goals? What might happen in you aren’t conscious of your goals?

5) Listeners learned the importance of making sure that they always do things that represent who they are authentically and honestly. Why is it so important to be true to yourself? What might happen if your words or actions aren’t authentic? How could this impact your goals or personal brand?

6) You may have heard the saying, “Actions speak louder than words.” When it comes to your personal brand, do you think your actions or words are more important? Why? Does it depend on the situation or audience?

Video Transcript

Personal brand is the image that you present to everyone in the world that works with you. And it’s actually how they see you. Because sometimes you might think you’re presenting a certain image, but it’s how they see you that becomes your brand, not just what you want. But you can choose that. You can direct that.

As a kid, you might think about what are the things you want to be known for? Do you want to be known as somebody who’s funny or fun or interesting or really supportive or a great listener? Those are your personal brand attributes.

All of us are brands. Branding is really that thing that makes you memorable. It’s the thing that when you walk away from a room, that people will remember about you. And it’s so important. So that could be your resume. That could be your business card. That could be your website. It could be your online profiles, if you’ve set up some things to look for a job or help find a job. All of that is personal branding.

And it’s created. You can’t just pick it. It’s a series of things you’ve done, things you’ve said, things that were your behaviors. Also make sure how you show up on social media because universities, employers, everyone is looking at this. So really be careful how you present yourself.

And really being careful about what you put out there and the messaging that you’re saying about yourself because people are going to take that and they’re going to run with it. But you have to start thinking about it now. You have to start thinking about where you want to be in a few years. You have to start really being mindful and conscious of your goals and the rooms that you want to see and the rooms that you envision yourself in and what do other people look like? And be yourself and make sure that you do things that always represent who you are authentically and honestly.

Discussion Guide

Build Your Personal Brand Independent Learning Guide: This all-purpose guide can also be used by educators, parents, and mentors to jumpstart a valuable discussion about the importance of building a positive, authentic personal brand.

Classroom Lesson Plan

No matter what goals you have for yourself in the future, having a positive, authentic personal brand can help! From the impression that a new friend might have to the way a prospective employer remembers you, your personal brand can be a huge factor in your success. Watch the video to get tons of great advice and strategies you can apply to start focusing and developing your personal brand today

Build Your Personal Brand Classroom Lesson Plan: This step-by-step lesson plan is available to guide a more in-depth “before, during, and after” learning experience when viewing the video with students. This lesson plan is also suitable for use in after-school programs and other educational settings.

Empowerment Activities

Use Empowerment Activities as a fun way to reinforce the video topic and build community with your students.

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Fun Page Activity

Build Your Personal Brand Fun Page Activity – What do you want to be known for? Perhaps you want to be remembered as a caring friend or someone who can always make others laugh. No matter what personal brand you want to convey, the first step towards success is deciding on your brand attributes. Use this reflective fun-page activity to start brainstorming your ideal personal qualities.