Using Your Power

Diverse women Role Models who explore how to use your power

Using Your Power (3:13)

“First of all, you have to know that you have power, and you can use it responsibly. You can use your powers for good and not evil or stupid things. And also know that there’s going to be folks who don’t really want you to exercise your own power. And you have to be comfortable and confident enough to know that you have it, and that you’re using it to make things better around you.”

Role models in order of appearance: Majora Carter, Monica Hall Porter, Ph.D., Sahar Jahani, Samantha Kaplan, M.D., Lizzie Johnson, Danya Bacchus, and Nat Whalley.

Quick Start

1) There is power inside of everyone. Each person has been given talents and skills. What power is inside of you? When do you use it? What steps could you take to develop and strengthen your power?

2) One role model told us that “there’s going to be folks who don’t really want you to exercise your own power.” Why might someone want to limit your power? What types of things might they do? How could you respond?

3) One role model said, “If you’re not at the table, you’re on the table.” What does this mean? Why is it so important to always be “at the table” in your own life? What might happen if you’re not “at the table”?

4) One role model emphasized the importance of “girl power”. What is girl power? Has there always been “girl power”?

5) Listeners learned that understanding your choices gives you a massive amount of power because it means that you can control what happens to you. Describe a situation in your life where you were presented with multiple choices. What might have happened if you chose to do something different? Did you ultimately make the best choice? How do you know?

6) Remember, you have the power to control your life and create change in your community and even the world. As one role model says, “Whatever bugs you, whatever you think is unfair, you can change it. You have all the power already within yourself.” What things “bug” you in your community or the world? How could you use your power to create change? What steps could you take?

Video Transcript

First of all, you have to know that you have power, and you can use it responsibly. You can use your powers for good and not evil or stupid things. And also know that there’s going to be folks who don’t really want you to exercise your own power. And you have to be comfortable and confident enough to know that you have it, and that you’re using it to make things better around you.

If you’re not at the table, you’re on the table. That means if you’re not a part of the decision-making process, someone will make a decision for you.

So, for all the girls out there who think that they don’t have the power, that’s not true. Everyone has been given a talent. Everyone has been given a skill. You just have to find out what it is, and you have to cultivate it to the best of your abilities.

The process of recognizing that you have choices, that you don’t have to do this, you could do this. And if you did, something different might happen. That actually takes practice. I don’t think people know that from the very beginning. I think in the beginning, you think you have– this is the only thing you can do. And knowing that you have choices gives you a massive amount of power because it means you can control what happens. You don’t have to do this. You could do this or this or this. And when you realize that, then you can do anything.

Girl power is so important. We are at the forefront of a generation where everyone that has come before us has really pushed for us to be the most powerful and to make the most forward progress. I think you can use that in everyday life to really develop what you want to do and to become a leader in that.

There’s definitely power in bringing to light, yes, social injustices, wrongs that people may be experiencing, you can be that voice and you can demand answers from public officials, from companies, and corporations who may be doing people wrong.

Whatever bugs you, whatever you think is unfair, you can change it. You have all the power already just in yourself to create change, whether that’s on your own or teaming up with other people, so give it a go. What’s the worst that can happen?

Discussion Guide

Independent Learning Guide: This all-purpose guide can also be used by educators, parents, and mentors to jumpstart a valuable discussion about identifying and leveraging students’ talents and skills.

Classroom Lesson Plan

Classroom Lesson Plan: This step-by-step lesson plan is available to guide a more in-depth “before, during, and after” learning experience when viewing the video with students. This lesson plan is also suitable for use in after-school programs and other educational settings.

Empowerment Activities

Use Empowerment Activities as a fun way to reinforce the video topic and build community with your students.

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