Work Ethic

Work Ethic (1:54)

“Your work ethic really comes down to determination and discipline. Those are the two things that I think you need…”

Role models in order of appearance: Jen Cohen, Kristi Matus, Pamela Meanes, Noelle Bowlin, Janey Andrews Pratt, Nat Whalley, and Courtney Danielle.

Quick Start

1) A role model told us, “The way to develop a work ethic is really through practice.” Why do you think it takes practice to develop a good work ethic? What types of things could you do today to practice strengthening your work ethic?

2) Nothing is a substitute for working hard. Even someone who is talented or intelligent cannot go far without hard work. Do you think this is true? Why or why not? Can you think of examples in your own life or the news that support your answer?

3) One role model told us that, “You can learn anything if you try really hard at it…some things will come easier to you and some things will come harder…but you can do it, so just keep trying!” Do you agree or disagree? Explain your answer. Why types of things have you learned that have come easily? What about things that have been more difficult to learn? Why do you think some things are easier to learn than others?

4) The video explained that work ethic is a really important part of succeeding in your future career. What careers are you interested in? How will having a strong work ethic help you succeed in these careers? What might happen if you don’t have a strong work ethic?

5) A role model told us that to develop a strong work ethic you have to “wake up every morning knowing what you have to accomplish and…work absolutely hard to deliver your best product.” Fill in the blanks below by explaining how you can deliver your best product in each of the following situations:

  • While playing sports, I can ____[example: try hard and be persistent]____ to deliver my best product.
  • While at school, I can _______________________ to deliver my best product.
  • At afterschool activities, I can _______________________ to deliver my best product.
  • While at home, I can _______________________ to deliver my best product.

6) Working hard is essential to getting to where you want to be. List some things that you want to accomplish this year or in the future. How do you think working hard will help you to accomplish these goals?

Video Transcript

Work ethic is a really important part of succeeding in your career.

Your work ethic really comes down to determination and discipline. Those are the two things that I think you need to, to have that. And it means that you wake up every morning knowing what you have to accomplish, and you work absolutely hard to deliver your best product. Whatever it is that you’re tasked with doing, whether it’s a homework assignment or doing the dishes, you do it with determination, and you give your best work product out there every day. That’s what a good work ethic is about.

Nothing is a substitute for working hard and giving of yourself. And it is the ability of you saying that you won’t give up on the person that you’re helping, and you won’t give up on yourself.

We build our integrity as we grow and learn in life, in school, and all aspects of life. And you can’t build your personal integrity, you can’t build the respect that people will have for you, unless you work hard.

The way to develop a work ethic is– really is through practice. You know, in– when you’re in school, it’s doing your homework, and in your group projects, really contributing. In your work life, it’s making sure that the things that you’ve said you’re gonna do at work, you do.

When you’re in school, sometimes you’ll take classes you don’t like. And the key is to continue to work hard in those classes and do well in them even if you don’t like them, and maybe more if you don’t like them because it’s gonna be harder for you to do the work in that class that you don’t like.

And, actually, you can learn anything if you try really hard at it. And some things will come easier to you, and some things will come harder. But that, I think, is my tip for having a good work ethic is, you can do it, so just keep trying.

That is what is going to excel you and propel you into the place that you want to be as an adult. So you have to work hard. Working hard is essential to getting to where you want to be.

Discussion Guide

Independent Learning Guide: This all-purpose guide can also be used by educators, parents, and mentors to jumpstart a valuable discussion about the role work ethic plays in success and the importance of cultivating it.

Classroom Lesson Plan

Classroom Lesson Plan: This step-by-step lesson plan is available to guide a more in-depth “before, during, and after” learning experience when viewing the video with students. This lesson plan is also suitable for use in after-school programs and other educational settings.

Empowerment Activities

Use Empowerment Activities as a fun way to reinforce the video topic and build community with your students.

Fun Page Activity

Fun Page Activity: What will it really take to reach your goals? Cultivating a strong work ethic is a great first step! Use this activity to envision your future and start planning for success.